Patch Notes [Version 65]
Release Date: 24 October 2024
Improvements and Additions
Halloween is here! Monsters will drop candies to use, Portals will spawn for rewarding experience + greater chance at Halloween coins. Make sure to bring your Halloween items to Elaria in Etana to use them!
Going around a corner in CoT will no longer mess with your camera zoom.
Holding middle mouse button will no longer stop a player from getting knockbacked.
Added in new functionality for players to use with cosmetic vendors. Players can equip 3 different cosmetics when opening a vendor; Vendor Skin, Vendor Title and Vendor Border.
Winning Territory war now rewards those same benefits to all the dungeons on that map, not just the primary map. IE - Hershals territory war will also benefit you in Hershal Cave.
Camera Zoom speeds are now adjustable in the game launcher.
Added new AI maps for all floors of Hershal Cave, Etana, and Kharon. This should stop monsters and items from spawning in "out of bounds" areas, like inside buildings. It also fixes the bugged spot in HC3 / HC Elite. We're working on the rest of the maps and they should be ready by the next game update.
Red/White pots now show buff icons at the top of your screen.
- No improvements or additions.
- No improvements or additions.
- No improvements or additions.
- No improvements or additions.
Changes and Removals
Decreased Uruk-hai stun from 2 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
Crash report submit in the launcher now also submits your log file which is also now wiped each time you start the game.
- No changes or removals.
- No changes or removals.
- No changes or removals.
- No changes or removals.
Bug Fixes
Protected against the existing "text-based" crash that most players were having. It'll now render: "String Control" instead of crashing. If you see this - please submit a crash report anyways. It'll have valid data for us to hopefully fix this properly.
Fixed account bound Serum of Beloshi's
Fixed ms (ping) to stop displaying extremely large numbers.
Removed all Piece of Masks that had dropped previously - they weren't supposed to be in the game yet.
Fixed a bug where trying to add to party when party is full would show a weird error about vendors.
- No bug fixes.
- No bug fixes.
- No bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug where changing mana skill could cause you to go negative hp.
The games installer has been updated to v3 - which now bundles and installs DirectX9. This way all players are fully ready to go after install.